
Archive for December, 2005

Carmex MINT: A Review

Last week, hubster stole my gigantor pot of Carmex (okay, its not the kilo pot they sell on their website, but its a larger pot) (and they don't show it on their website anymore, but I saw it!!) because of an icky cold sore. Needless to say, I don't really want the pot back, so I was at the store and saw a Carmex Click Stick Mint, with SPF 30 Sunscreen. Hmm. I bought it for the almost bargain price of $1.49.

This stuff feels more tingly cool than regular Carmex to me. Its smells more minty, but the flavor really isn't much different than regular. I am giving the Minty Carmex an objective (read: not addicted) thumbs up. For the addictions, the extra tingly will give you a happy high.

Happy Glossing.

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Why is my child becoming psychotic????? ARGH!! I think this goes part and parcel with the whole terrible twos thing, but we are hitting a new level of frustration in the UmmHamza household. Its becoming a bedtime issue now. He doesn't want to go bed, then he wants in his bed, then in mine, then in his. Then he wants water, but won't drink it, then wants tucked in and screams when I touch a blanket. I think he isn't getting enough dad time because this wasn't happening as much when dad got home from work after Hamza bedtime… but its been a week or two since dad worked really late like that I haven't seen a bedtime in a while with just me and him.

I am griping here because everytime I have griped in the past when Hamza situations have gotten bad, they miraculously fix the next day. So, here's to trying.

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